>However, no one has come up with even an unreasonable argument, 
>much less a compelling one, for why light rail must go down 5th St.
>Tim Erickson did pass along a summary from Dayna Kennedy, the
>Communications Manager for the Metro Transit/Hiawatha line, but it
>addresses the situation from the time of the lawsuit, who should pay
>and not the reason that LR is sited on 5th St.

I believe that at the time it was decided, that 5th St. was thought to
be the cheapest route that was also closest to the core office
buildings.  The other routes looked at would have been longer and
costlier (e.g. a route that looped to the North and then went down

There was also an earlier Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that had
the route going down 5th St.  If they had chosen another street, they
would have had to file another EIS, thus costing more and delaying the

Paul Barber
Loring Park

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