I would suspect that most of the opposition (on the city council) towards the Mayor's selection of McManus has more to do with the fact that the Mayor has selected someone that may not be the particular council person's 1st choice for the job. That's life. Sometimes we're faced with having to accept less than what we had hoped for ideally as individuals.

As I understand it, the votes necessary to hire McManus are very close to being a reality. It would seem highly unlikely that the council members that are not currently supporting this nomination will be able to muster the votes necessary to facilitate the hiring of their first choice. What does that realistically leave of with?

The peculiar thing to me is that I haven't heard one valid argument that McManus ISN'T qualified for the job, from someone that has actually sat down and met him. Sometimes the best way to come to a decision is to decide what does the least damage to the responsibilities you're charged with.

For every argument that can be made that we should hire from within, there is an equal and opposite arguement that we need to infuse "new blood" into the department to facilitate wholesale change.

As for why the minority council members support the mayor's nomination of McManus? I would suspect that they've met him, and have come to the conclusion that he's the best PERSON to affect the necessary changes. It should be remembered that the issues facing the minorty communities are one of the most compelling issues facing the city and its representative council members.

Much could be accomplished at this point by all parties moving ahead in a UNIFIED direction. Very little WILL be accomplished by continuing to support an unobtainable position.

Dennis Plante Jordan

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