Dan McGuire wrote:
This thread seems to be a pedagogy theory exercise right now.   And 
while I actually have quite a bit of training and experience regarding 
both theory and practice, I think the list members and public in general 
will be better served if the discussion would be about actual experience 
and specific data from the MPS district office.   I don't have that data 
and don't have time to go about getting it.   I can offer you this 
little piece of anecdotal evidence;  there is a high correlation between 
the students in my classes who have participated in band regularly or 
have participated in an arts activity outside of school regularly and 
high achievement in all academic areas.   That's an observation that 
I've shared with most of the parents in recent conferences as their 
children have been setting goals for the year.

Mark Anderson replies:
I agree totally that this is a pedagogy theory exercise.  It SHOULD be such.
We are discussing what should be taught in the Mpls schools -- shouldn't it
be based on what is best for kids, and the best ways for the kids to learn?

If the MPS has data that indicates what helps kids learn, I'd love to hear
about it.  I never thought they did research at their office; I would be
interested if someone could show me otherwise.  What do you mean by actual
experience -- are you referring to anecdotal evidence?  That has a limited
value in my mind.

Your anecdotal evidence matches reality pretty well, I believe.  One of the
studies that were previously posted to this List showed a statistical
positive correlation between academic achievement and arts participation
outside the regular classroom.  The problem with the study is that it does
not prove causation -- that the arts activity improved the academic
achievement.  I can think of half a dozen reasons why the kids that have
extra-curricular arts activity outside the classroom would be the same kids
with high academic achievement.  That the arts activity itself raises their
level of achievement is one of the least compelling possibilities, at least
to me.

Mark V Anderson

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