Hallo Marcos,

Du schriebst am Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:42:57 -0200:

> Yes, but the paths are used only in command line to compiler -- did
> you see the fpc binary call? -> fpc /src/synapse/* -alias synapse
> The paths are not in sources... that's I meant.

Ok, then I didn't get you quite right about that.

> > [units]
> >  unit1=${projectdir}/level1/file1.pp
> >  unit2=${projectdir}/level1/file2.pp
> You're correct and that is exactly what I'm trying to explain!  :-)
> So, the new ALIAS compiler parameter can be persisted in a config file

There's no "new ALIAS compiler parameter" neccessary.

> unit group, package, lib or framework -- is used with other name.

I don't think that the _UNIT_ should be "used with [an] other name", the
_UNIT_ should be named the same, just the file path can be specified
arbitrarily, and - maybe - the file name can be different from the unit
name (as was originally planned even by Borland already, but never
implemented - I don't know even whether FPC allows that).

> example I prefer to use:
> @Level1=${projectdir}/level1/*    // the "@" is the sintaxe for an ALIAS
> Now I can use all units in ${projectdir}/level1/ like this:
> uses
>   Level1.file1, Level1.file2;
> More productive, don't you think?

No. You'll have to write more, have to keep the files together, have to
keep the naming consistent...

Anyway, we'll have to wait what will be implemented.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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