Hallo Michael,

Du schriebst am Mon, 18 Nov 2013 11:25:36 +0100:

> > I.e. there's no difference, you say?

Could you please keep sufficient context so even a casual reader can
surmise what was meant? Thank you.

So you say a single bit can be signed?

> Yep. This is how binary operations work in all modern architectures. (In 

No. Show me an ALU that calculates with signed bits. How does it determine
whether a "1" is positive or negative?

> the past, there have been some machines that did have a separate sign 
> bit and thus there was a +0 and a -0, but this kind of arithmetic dies 

The "+0" vs. "-0" ambiguity stems from the time when the 2's complement
representation wasn't so firmly established as nowadays yet.
It is a property of thew so-called 1's complement arithmetic
implementation, where the negative of a number was derived ba simply
inverting it bit-wise. Thus, +0 was represented by a all-0s memory cell,
but then -0 had the representation as an all-1s memory cell, although it
is the same value.

Note from that that the commonly used implementation of arithmetic
functions and the accompanying number representation is a _convention_
_only_! There _are_ other implementations in use, and many more are
conceivable. They just need different calculation units and produce (and
use) different number representations.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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