On 11/13/2013 05:35 PM, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> Then you will be banned from developing security relevant software. ;-)

Do you intend to implement runtime range checking with any of these types ?

While as an option, this of course is great, but  I think for 
performance sake it should not always be done. Especially with this 
"simulated bit fields" this is not at all what I would want.

Maybe some syntax for could be provided that not explicitly defines a 
range and switches off range checking. This seems rather intuitive to me.


   record ty = bitpacked record
    x5: 0..3: 2
    x6: unsigned : 2; // same as x5, but switching off runtime range checking 
for x6
    x7: -2..1: 2
    x8: signed : 2; // same as x7, but switching off runtime range checking for 


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