> Works for me on two different computers with 32 bit and 64 bit Linux. I don't 
> know where to dig.

Hello Martin.

Sorry, I never give up.

What I did:

1) Copy from a earlier working mseuniverse-noisegen:
   - main.mfm
   - main_mfm.pas

2) Paste (and overwrite) those files into last mseuniverse-noisegen directory 
(but keeping last main.pas untouched).

3) Load noisegen.prj with last mseide.

4) Do "show as form" main.pas ---> perfect, no crash.

5) Compile noisegen.pas with last msegui --> ok, it compiles.

6) Run noisegen ---> yep, I get-hear the colored noises perfectly.

So, IMHO, my conclusions are: main.mfm or/and main_mfm.pas are corrupt in last 

Huh, in previous mail I sent a attachment of working old main.mfm + 
main_mfm.pas but I receive a Outlook warning that the message could not be 

So, you may try with a earlier commit of  main.mfm + main_mfm.pas .


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