Hello Sieghard.

>I found a real problem with the po4stock unit:
> Internally, it uses the "mseconsts" unit, which defines a few "generic"
> arrays of strings, among them the array "en_langnamestext", containing
> 6 entries. Now, as that is a _constant_ array, it cannot accept more
> entries, but if an application, e.g. like your ideU, wants to provide
> more languages, there is a conflict between this fixed internal array
> and one possibly provided by the application.

Hum, not really (or I miss something).
"en_langnamestext", contains  6 entries only if you dont use the parameter  " 
Those 6 entries correspond to the units mseconst_xx.pas that will be used if 
you use the old "static loading of lang-units" way.

See in mseconst.pas, there are some {$ifndef mse_dynpo} to use the "original" 
For example, in ideU, the lang array is in captionideu.pas  (not in 
   en_langnamestext: array[0..14] of msestring = (

Of course you may use a dynamic array :
   en_langnamestext: array of msestring = (
 but this will work only for fpc > 3.2.0 so, to keep backward compability, I 
prefer to use a const array.

But, once again, maybe I miss something.
I will study the rest of your post this week.

Write you later.


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