Hello, Peter.
You wrote 19 мая 2014 г., 15:04:05:

PB> A chain of messages related to building and packaging is available at:
PB> http://www.mail-archive.com/mspgcc-users@lists.sourceforge.net/msg12028.html
PB> At least two of us have successfully built toolchains with those
PB> instructions; how to convert them into packaging for a particular
PB> distribution isn't something that's likely to come from this list.  My
PB> recommendation is follow the distribution's standard practices for
PB> cross-compilation toolchains and look to existing solutions like AVR
PB> and ARM for guidance.
  Problem with this instructions starts from very beginning:

binutils git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git master
gcc git://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git gcc-4_9-branch
newlib git://sourceware.org/git/newlib.git master

 Not-released software could not be packaged! We could only refer to stable,
non-changeable, tarballs on vendor's server, not to some "git revision" or
some "${packaghename}.tar.bz2", which could be changed (re-rolled) under same
name :(

 It is not exactly "how to convert them into packaging for a particular 
isn't something that's likely to come from this list.", it is discussion
about status of toolchain which, as I could say now, is not ready for
distro-packaging due to absence of any suitable "releases", may be,
snapshot-quality, but "stable" in sense of content.

PB> TI makes some material available on:
PB> http://www.ti.com/tool/msp430-gcc-opensource

PB> Personally I would not package a vendor-supplied fork, but that's a
PB> policy decision for the distribution.
 Yep, but on other hand it is "stable", well-named file :)

PB> Once I've switched to using msp430-elf-gcc all pretense that mspgcc is
PB> supported will vanish.  Unofficially, that's already occurred.
 Anyway, thank you for all you work on mspgcc!

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <l...@serebryakov.spb.ru>

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