I've been using the new msp430-elf-g++ released on 2014-09-03 to build and
debug, and while attempting to reduce the binary size I've added the
following arguments for the compilation and linking phases (except
gc-sections is linker only).

-fdata-sections -ffunction-section -nodefaultlibs --gc-sections

While greatly reducing the code space, it also seems to think main() isn't
a root and optimizes it away... needless to say this isn't very good.

As far as I can tell it is the combination of these compiler flags that
product the result, and I can reproduce it with the blink example by adding
those flags and changing the compiler to msp430-elf-g++.

If I remove either the --gc-sections, or the -nodefaultlibs flags, it then
complains that the .text section is over by 90Kb... so basically I need to
stip away all stdc++ implicit references to make the code fit, and unused
code in my codebase.

Does anyone have an idea as to how I can tell the compiler to not link in
the stdc++ library that seems to bloat the .text section?

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