> The map file is telling me a few small functions are being linked in
> (memset, memcpy) and I assume that since the standard library wasn't built
> with -ffunction-sections or -fdata-sections that it then links the entire
> library.

-ffunction-sections affects multiple functions in the same object.  It
has no effect on separate objects.  Functions like memcpy() and
memset() are in separate source files in the library, so will be
linked in or not depending only on whether or not they're actually

> Is this also a side effect of the library not being build with those
> sections flags? If so, why isn't the library built like that for
> cases like this where you want to have only a few small functions?

One could argue that the library should be built with whatever flags
the user specifies.  This quickly turns into thousands, if not
millions, of permutations of builds, and is not practical.  The only
way to solve this is to build the whole library as part of your
project, so you can choose the flags you want.

Also, the -ffunction-section and -fdata-section flags are mostly
useless for the standard libraries *anyway*, as, as I mentioned
already, they're already broken into one function per section.

The -minrt option is designed to work mostly with the startup code, by
selectively linking in parts of (what is normally) crt0.s based on a
more "global" knowledge of features used by the program.  If you use a
C++ function that uses exceptions, the exception startup gets linked
in.  Without -minrt, the exception startup gets linked in even if
nothing uses exceptions.

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