Nada Tamim wrote:

> A friend of mine is in Erethria and has to send translation requests any
> time his team needs a report or document from Dutch speaking teamworkers.
> He asked me if there is any translation tool that would assist him for a
> draft version while human translation is being processed.  My knowledge of
> tools and translation memories is limited to French and English combination.
> Any recommendations as for the Dutch/English or Dutch /French? Anybody from
> PWGC or works for the Fed in Ottawa Canada would recommend a tool?
> Any reply is appreciated,

I haven't seen the product myself, but Lernout & Hauspie's
Simply Translating Deluxe might offer you something half-way useful
for the purpose you sketched. 

The URL is

It is only $99, but I must add that the company is in financial
trouble at this moment, and I have no idea whether their sales
channels still work.

For Dutch there aren't any real alternatives, to my knowledge.

Steven Krauwer, ELSNET / UiL OTS, Trans 10, 3512 JK Utrecht, Nederland
phone: +31 30 2536050, fax: +31 30 2536000, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  For MT-List info, see

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