> On March 11, 2020 6:53 PM Ethan Duni <ethan.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 8:36 AM Spencer Russell <s...@media.mit.edu> wrote:
> > 
> >  The point I'm making here is that overlap-add fast FIR is a special case 
> > of STFT-domain multiplication and resynthesis. I'm defining the standard 
> > STFT pipeline here as:
> >  
> >  1. slice your signal into frames
> >  2. pointwise-multiply an analysis window by each frame
> >  3. perform `rfft` on each frame to give the STFT domain representation
> >  4. modify the STFT representation
> >  5. perform `irfft` on each frame
> >  6. pointwise-multiply a synthesis window on each frame
> >  7. overlap-add each frame to get the resulting time-domain signal
> I don't think there is a precise definition of STFT, but IMO this is too 
> generic.

i don't think it's too generic for "STFT processing".  step #4 is pretty 

here is my attempt to quantitatively define and describe the STFT:


> The fundamental design parameters for an STFT system are the window shapes 
> and overlaps, but in fast convolution those degrees of freedom are eliminated 
> entirely.

in most cases.  and while it's not as "fast", you *can* do overlap-add fast 
convolution with a Hann window (instead of rectangular) and have a frame hop of 
about 1/2 as the regular old overlap-add fast convolution.  it's only half as 
efficient, but i would still call it "fast convolution" and it is also a subset 
of STFT processing.  this is the "small intersection" of the Venn diagrams 
between the two that i meant earlier.

> The reason this distinction is important is that STFT is for cases where you 
> want to estimate the response in the frequency domain. If you can't apply a 
> useful analysis window, then there isn't much point.

i think i agree with this, too.

r b-j                  r...@audioimagination.com
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
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