taupin wrote:

> > > voice 1   o o   o | o   o o |
> > > voice 2   o o | o   o | o o |
> >
> This definitely NOT supported by MusiXTeX.

That's what it seemed to me... The MusixTex doc did not mentioned such
things. But do you think there is any hope for me to do this by any
mean, even redefining some of the MusixTex macros, or using another
"language" to write my score... 
If you have any idea about the subject, please let me know.

Best regards.

Nicolas Aspert      Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS) 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
Office:  ELE 237
Phone:   +41 - 21 - 693 36 32 (Office) or 46 21 (LTS lab)  
Fax:     +41 - 21 - 693 76 00

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