Volker Moell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 10/18/2001:
> Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:
> > Also, what is the _effective_ difference between sourcing a file, and
> > writing some kind of mutt-script to toggle a bunch of options? I don't
> > actually see one :)
> I think: way better clearness.

Are you saying that scripting is clearer than multiple files?  If
you are, I think I disagree.

> When "debugging" your mutt configuration you have to go through
> a lot of files in the worst case - I don't really like this.

When debugging, though, you shouldn't be debugging the entire
muttrc (at least not at first); you should be testing/debugging
specific parts of it, to minimize unintentional interactions, and
then integrate the new changes into the working setup.

> In bash & friends.  you have the possibility to source lot's of files,
> too.  But do you split off your ~/.bashrc into a dozen or more pieces?
> I don't.

$ ls -loF ~/.bash*
-rw-------    1 darren       4865 Sep 19 12:29 .bashrc
-rw-------    1 darren         30 Sep 13 14:07 .bash_logout
-rw-------    1 darren         30 Sep 13 14:07 .bash_profile
drwx------    1 darren        512 Feb 16  2001 .bash/
-rw-------    1 darren       1444 Oct 12 08:03 .bash/functions
-rw-------    1 darren       6542 Mar 21  2001 .bash/history
-rw-------    1 darren        409 Jun 15  2000 .bash/path
-rw-------    1 darren        409 Jun 15  2000 .bash/prompt
-rw-------    1 darren        409 Jun 15  2000 .bash/ssh

All of these do what you would think they do.


$ ls -loF ~/.mutt*
-rw-------   1 darren      1273 Oct  1 16:17 aliases
drwx------   2 darren       512 Sep 13 15:13 bin/
-rw-------   1 darren      1954 Oct 17 09:01 colors
-rw-------   1 darren     35523 Oct 18 10:05 fortunes
-rw-------   1 darren       933 Oct  9 14:52 lists
-rw-------   1 darren       526 Sep 20 10:08 mailcap
-rw-------   1 darren      4989 Oct 18 10:03 muttrc
-rw-------   1 darren      1487 Oct  9 14:55 scores
-rw-------   1 darren       595 Sep 13 15:41 trash
-rw-------   1 darren      1221 Oct  3 12:22 vimrc

These also all do what you would expect.  If the problem is with
scoring, or coloring, for example, I know exactly which files to
fiddle with and resource.  Breaking these things up greatly
simplifies debugging and trying out new things.

> When asking friends for help on some mutt questions, I would
> rather send them "my muttrc" instead of a huge tarball.

Small files are also easier to share with other people; I don't
have to remove all my work-specific aliases, for example, if I
want to post some of my config to a mailing list or put it on the

Just my thoughts.


It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when
it happens.
    -- Woody Allen

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