René Clerc wrote:
> macro index <F11> ":set foo=bla<enter>\
>                    :set bar=bla<enter>\
>                    :set ...
>                    ...
>                    :set bart_simpson=crazy<enter>\
> So you'd be better of sourcing some files ;)

Indeed. And luckily! :-)

In the meantime I arrived at the decision that my problem isn't the
source mechanism, but the "workarounds" for other mutt-specifics
(i.g. to change a single one default send-hook I have to unset every of
the other ones and define the rest [IMHO unnecessarily] again).  But
meanwhile that's ok so.

In small steps I begin to think better in mutt.
Thanks to all for giving me the clue,  :-)


--  *  *

"Multiple exclamationmarks" he said, shaking his head,
"A sure sign for a deseased mind."
                   -- Terry Pratchett in "Eric"

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