> Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2001 00:38:47 -0500
> From: Maciej Kalisiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: pyurlview.py: a more flexible 'urlview'
> Hello mutters,
> After finding "urlview" a bit limiting I have written a somewhat more flexible
> version of it.  I figured I'd share it with the community in case others are
> in a similar "needs-more-power" bind.  Main improvements:
>       - user-defined key bindings for everything (with Vi-style defaults)
>       - any number of user-defined commands to run on URLs (e.g.: different
>         keys for netscape, lynx, galeon, wget, xclip, whatever)
>       - ability to show context of a given URL in menu
> You can get it at http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac/projects/pyurlview.py
> This is a Python script (too lazy to do it in C and don't have the time), so
> you'll need Python.  Tested under Python 2.1, not sure about earlier versions.
> Also uses the curses library for screen output.
> If passed a filename, this script scans the file for URLs, else it looks at
> stdin.  Once running, press 'h' or '?' for a brief help on (default) keys.
> Comments, suggestions welcome.

    Hi Maciej,

    quite nice, with a few nits:

    curses.wrapper () initializes color support, and I haven't found a
    way to make it set the background transparent. besides, the colors
    are quite unpleasant.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/roman/bin/pyurlview.py", line 346, in ?
      File "/home/roman/bin/pyurlview.py", line 339, in main
      File "/usr/local/lib/python2.1/curses/wrapper.py", line 44, in wrapper
        res = apply(func, (stdscr,) + rest)
      File "/home/roman/bin/pyurlview.py", line 219, in frob_urls
        stdscr.move(h-1, 0)
    _curses.error: wmove() returned ERR
    Looks like this happens when the new size of the window is more than
    2x the original, or less than 1/2 of the original. I'm talking about
    resizing the window, of course.

    and last, what's with that GPL everybody seems to be hypnotized?

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