That's a good point.  I have never tried having multiple references
nodes.  It could be that the second one is getting completely ignored!

-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony LoveFrancisco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 4:43 PM
To: 'Erv Walter'; 'Jesper Rasmussen'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [Nant-users] problem with references and standard libs

Does the csc task support having two "references" nodes one of which has
basedir defined as Jesper Rassmusen is using below ?

- Ants

|  -----Original Message-----
|  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
|  Erv Walter
|  Sent: Thursday, 07 August, 2003 07:54
|  To: Jesper Rasmussen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  Subject: RE: [Nant-users] problem with references and standard libs
|  Normally (this is not specific to the references fileset) 
|  when you include a file in a fileset, Nant will try to 
|  locate that file and verify that it exists.  Normally, if 
|  the files does not exist in the relative or absolute path 
|  specified, Nant will remove that file from the fileset when 
|  it's actually used in the command.  Since the framework dlls 
|  (system.dll, system.xml.dll, etc) are not in the local 
|  directory, if you just <include name="system.dll"/> then 
|  nant will quietly remove that reference from the list.  
|  Asis="true" tells nant to just pass the filename to the 
|  command without trying to confirm it's existance.
|  Coming back to your specific problem, it's not clear to me 
|  what the problem is.  I would recommend running nant with 
|  verbose output (-v) and checking that the csc.exe command 
|  line looks correct.  If it is correct, then it is possible 
|  that Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll and 
|  Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.dll are not considered framework 
|  dlls.  If this is the case, you may need to copy them to a 
|  local path.  I have never used these assemblies, so I'm not 
|  sure on the proper approach.
|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Jesper Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
|  Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 8:05 AM
|  To: Erv Walter
|  Subject: Re: [Nant-users] problem with references and standard libs
|  Hey Thanks for yourr reply
|  asis???? what is that??
|  anyway doesnt work.. still gets:
|  error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Vsa' does not 
|  exist in the class or namespace 'Microsoft.VisualBasic' (are 
|  you  missing an assembly
|  reference?)
|  and my build looks like this:
|      <target name="build">
|          <csc target="library" output="${lib.dir}/${name}">
|               <references basedir="${lib.dir}">
|                   <includes name="log4net.dll"/>
|                </references>
|                <references>
|                   <includes asis="true" 
|  name="Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.dll"/>
|                   <includes asis="true" 
|  name="Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll"/>
|                </references>
|               <sources basedir=".">
|                  <includes name="*.cs"/>
|               </sources>
|             </csc>
|      </target>
|  but if i copy the dll's to the ${lib.dir} and move the two 
|  includes lines to that references section it works.
|  btw im using 1.0 framework and nant 0.8.3
|  cheers
|  Jesper
|  Erv Walter wrote:
|  >You probably don't ever want frompath="true" for a 
|  reference fileset. 
|  >Try asis="true" instead for framework assemblies.
|  >
|  >-----Original Message-----
|  >From: Jesper Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  >Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 4:14 AM
|  >Subject: [Nant-users] problem with references and standard libs
|  >
|  >Hiya
|  >I have been searching here and there to find an answer, but 
|  even though
|  >this seems like a RTFM question, i cant find it in the FM :)
|  >
|  > From my csc target i need to reference Microsoft.Vsa.dll 
|  among others.
|  >
|  >I have tried:
|  >              <references 
|  >basedir="C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\">
|  >                 <includes frompath="true"
|  >name="Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.dll"/>
|  >                 <includes frompath="true" 
|  name="Microsoft.Vsa.dll"/>
|  >              </references>
|  >
|  >and
|  >
|  >              <references>
|  >                 <includes frompath="true"
|  >name="Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.dll"/>
|  >                 <includes frompath="true" 
|  name="Microsoft.Vsa.dll"/>
|  >              </references>
|  >
|  >witn no success.
|  >
|  >Any hints?
|  >
|  >cheers
|  >Jesper
|  >
|  >
|  >
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