Hi Torben,

TDJ> We get about 1 Mb per hour of these messages:
TDJ> Apr 22 04:54:57 akela rnews[16188]: offered
TDJ> Apr 22 04:54:57 akela rnews[16188]: rejected 437 Too old -- "Fri, 22 Jan
TDJ> 1999 11:20:38 GMT"
TDJ> I assume the remote news server offers us the old articles.
TDJ> But:
TDJ> - what can we do not to drown in log lines
TDJ> (avoid downloading the old messages)
TDJ> - why are they considered old ? What config file says so ?

Assuming you use INN 2.x, the file is inn.conf, the artcutoff parameter (see  
man inn.conf). Set it to 0 and your problem will be solved.



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