Thus said Robert Elz on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 15:10:26 +0700:

> Yes, I have had the "editor" line in my profile since MH days, (I have
> been a user since  almost forever) so what nmh did  as default I never
> knew, which is why I avoided saying that...

>From looking  at the past sources  it used to  use a C macro  defined in

#define DEFAULT_EDITOR "vi"

I'm  curious  now  how  many  installations   of  nmh  do  not  have  vi
available... that being said, I do know Linux based OS developers make a
lot  of strange  decisions  about what  is  in the  "base"  OS, so  it's
entirely possible that vi may not exist in some flavors of Linux.

How  many non-POSIX  systems is  nmh running  on?

> I hope it is back working like you expected it now.

It is now, thanks.  I was able to figure out that EOT  was what ended my
experience with prompter  and changed the default  editor in .mh_profile
and then I  could just use "edit  vi" at the "What  now?" prompt. That's
how  I  composed my  original  email  starting  this thread.  It  wasn't
completely foreign  (being a long-time Unix  user I assumed it  was just
reading stdin and EOT would end it), just unexpected.

I suppose I could set EDITOR but I've never had to on OpenBSD.


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