>Thus said Robert Elz on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:30:08 +0700:
>> That's "prompter" - has always been mh's default.
>Not always:
>Looks like it was changed in 1.8 (if I read that correctly).
>I wasn't aware of "prompter" before, thanks for the education.

I was curious and went back and looked.  This was apparantly prompted
(pun intended) by Fedora packaging and was discussed in this email
thread, which, oddly enough Andy, you DID participate in:


Like many threads involving ancient greybeards, it kind of devolved into
a discussion about the "true" vi and how vim wasn't vi enough, but I guess
part of this change is my fault since I went back and dug around to find
out the original behavior of MH, which was to use "prompter" (the
details are a little more complicated):


And the consensus of everyone was prompter was fine as a default.  Also,
Andy, you later said in that thread:

  Under what conditions will this change? I have neither EDITOR/VISUAL nor
  profile  settings for  editor, but  maybe that  won't matter  because my
  usage patterns will never invoke prompter?

  Right now, when I run comp from the command line, I get a vi editor with
  with components in it. Is this where prompter comes in?

  Sounds like I might  have to add something to my  profile now after this
  change is made to avoid prompter.

David replied to you and said:

  Yes, it does.  Add this to your profile to preserve your current behavior:
  Editor: vi

I'm not dragging you because it was almost 6 years ago and I forgot until
now that I made that change, much less everything behind it.  But to be
fair, we did have a reasonable discussion about this change (that it
seems we all forgot about).


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