Dear all,

Census 1.1 Release Candidate has been released. This version includes a
number of enhancements:

* A bug that affected the importing of $OMEGA BLOCK initial estimates under
some circumstances has been corrected.
* Full support for recent Xpose releases has been added.
* A range of other minor bugs and issues have been fixed.

You can download Census from, as usual.
Comments, suggestions, support requests, bug reports and the like are as
always very welcome, and can be sent to the Census mailing list -
registration is provided at NONMEM 7
support has not yet been completed, but is now the primary focus of ongoing
development efforts.

Census is a comprehensive project manager for NONMEM, providing detailed
summary, comparison and overview of the runs comprising a given project,
including the display of output data, post-run processing, and rapid
diagnostic plots through tight integration with Xpose. While it runs only
under Windows, it can read any NONMEM output to which Windows has access to
via drive mapping.

Census is, and will remain, free software under the Mozilla Public License,
version 1.1.

Last but not least, while this is a stable release, it has not been
rigorously tested in a heterogeneous environment. Accordingly, please bear
this in mind before deleting your old versions of the software, and please
consider backing up your Census database folders before installing this
update (*.CFG and *.FF2 files).

Best regards

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