
> I've just updated my MikTeX distribution, which
> use a 2005-07-12 version of context package. Since
> then MikTeX could not generate the cont-en format
> file, when I use texexec --make en, it reports
> TeX capacity not enough, so I have to modify the
> localtexmf/miktex/config/miktex.ini file, change
> |trie_op_size from 2048 to 4096.

Did you contact the MikTeX maintainers about that?


> So I suggest the maintainer of context avoid using
> the -p option, it seems

> ||afm2tfm \"$file\" texfont.tfm|
> |
> does the same job in this piece of code.

But then: how do you specify the encoding of the mapfile/psfont? -p is
a pretty important switch when using non-ascii encoings. 

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