Hi All

I created the symbolic link as suggested by Bruce and Luis and still got the 
error message

optional        > unable to locate library 'libzint'

in my text editor. I use TeXworks. However, I thought I would try running from 
the Terminal app and it worked. It found libzint and output the pdf with both 
barcodes and the qrcode. I have no idea why it works in the Terminal and not 
TexWorks, I'm guessing I have a path issue which I need to investigate.

1) My machine is a mac-mini-M1 with macos Monterey and I'm running the latest 
ConTeXt version
2) Bruce noted that my Homebrew was installed in a non-standard location so I 
checked on the Hombrew website and it is installed in opt/homebrew for Apple 
Silicon i.e the M1 chip. Maybe Bruce's homebrew was installed on an earlier 

Thanks to Luis and Bruce for their suggestions.
Best Wishes
Keith McKay

On 10/04/2022 22:26, Bruce Horrocks wrote:
Hi Keith,

On 10 Apr 2022, at 14:49, Keith McKay via ntg-context<ntg-context@ntg.nl>  

Hi All

I have been struggling today trying to setup and use the Barcode module zint in 
ConTeXt and failed. I have followed the instructions on the wiki 
(https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Barcodes  ) but with some changes as follows. 
Which maybe why I failed.

1) I downloaded Zint using Homebrew since I'm using macOS, and installed it 
according to the instructions.

2) Since I'm using LMTX I looked for the file libzint.dylib and found it in 
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/zint/2.10.0/lib . This is different from the path given on 
the wiki. The directory contained three files, two of which were aliases,  
libzint.2.10.dylib and libzint.dylib, and an exe file libzint.
You have Hombrew installed in a non-standard location. Mine is in 
/usr/local/Cellar with the executables linked into /usr/local/bin.

But, assuming other Homebrew commands work when run from Terminal then you 
might still be okay.

3) I created the path $TEXROOT/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin/lib/luametatex/zint and 
copied libzint. into but replaced dylib with 'so' as suggested on 
the wiki instructions. So I basically added  lib/luametatex/zint to 
texmf-osx-64/bin .
"Yes" to creating the path but "no" to copying. Create a symbolic link instead.

So, in Terminal:

   $ cd $TEXROOT/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin/lib/luametatex/zint

   # In my case I used the following:
   $ ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/zint/2.10.0/lib/libzint.dylib libzint.so

   # For you with Homebrew in a different location, try:
   $ ln -s /opt/homebrew/Cellar/zint/2.10.0/lib/libzint.dylib libzint.so

Then steps 4 and 5 as below. I ran the MWE below: the ISBN worked, the ISBNX 
didn't, the QR code did. This is on Monterey.

4) I ran mtxrun --generate to update the database.

5) I ran the MWE below but no barcode appeared. The console output shows:
modules         > using user prefixed file 'libs-imp-zint'
modules         > 'zint' is loaded

  however further down the output it gives:

optional        > unable to locate library 'libzint'

I have tried renaming libzint2.10.0.0.so to libzint.so, but still no barcode. 
Is their something I am missing? Tips or hints appreciated.
Best Wishes
Keith McKay

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MWE %%%%%%%%
\barcode[alternative=isbnx, text=9783865419026, width=4cm]
\barcode[alternative=qrcode, text={https://wiki.contextgarden.net}, width=3cm]
Bruce Horrocks
Hampshire, UK
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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