Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> because of a line in /opt/tex/teTeX/texmf/aliases :-/
ah, the dreadful aliases file ... in tex live they're gone ; let's hope 
that this aliases fiel does not contain anything related to context tex 
files (patterns for instance)
> Either way, it seems that this LIGKERN interpretation that
> overrules the afm file is actually considered a feature. The
> sane way out seems to be to ship our own encoding files in
>    fonts/enc/texfont
> or so.
hm, we can let texfont search for a texfont-ec file first (the map file 
can still refer to the normal one i suppose)

(an alternative is to let texfont copy the ec.enc file to the local 
path, remove the messy lines, and remove that one afterwards)



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