Dear all,
Considering all complaints about the difficulties to find, in the Garden, or in 
the NTG mail archive,  answers to specific problems, wouldn't it be a good idea 
to ask everybody to clearly state the subject of their message, preferably 
starting with the most important keyword, and in particular to avoid (no 
subject) or [***SPAM***], and similar things as subjects.
Also, if you forgive me,  subjects like "upto current" or "Bug in \column" are 
not really helpful when on tries to search in the archive for a solution to a 
specific problem. In the last-mentioned example, wouldn't "\column, Bug in - " 
or even "\column, Bug in \column" be better? 
More specific subject titles in the mails might save some of us hours of 
unfruitful searching and lots of teeth grinding.
This is probably not the first request on this topic but, if so, I thought it 
would do no harm to repeat it.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Robert Blackstone

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : /
webpage  : /
archive  :
wiki     :

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