On 6/13/2013 9:36 AM, Khaled Hosny wrote:
On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 11:28:12AM +0200, Rudolf Bahr wrote:
both with "context" and "texexec", but I don't achieve the desired result.
"texexec" displays a font somehow similar to Fraktur, but not a very nice one 
much to broad; and it seems to have no different "s" (one inner-word and one 
or syllable-end "s") as needed in Fraktur. And, my "texexec" doesn't know 
about umlauts and sharp s.
Whereas my "context" (translating the same program), dosn't know Fraktur, but 

For "context" (ConTeXt MkIV), you may want to try an OpenType Fraktur
font, like:

The long s versus rounded s distinction is a text input issue, you have
to inter the correct s according the position in the word (the rules are
complex, different from a country to country and from a period to

these fonts look quite ok .. i can even read the samples


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