Am Thu, 29 Jan 2015 13:06:59 +0100 schrieb BPJ:

> How is a prefix identified as such with this technique? 

biber uses the btparse library
and prefixes ("von-Parts") are more or less identifyed by lowercase
letters (as in bibtex, see also tamethebeast.pdf). I actually run
once into a problem with a lowercase name which biber didn't like: 

There are some tricks, like \uppercase{d}, commands, braces, which
one can use to fine-tune the name parsing.

> Is there a hardcoded list somewhere or is it "name begins with a
> 'word' in lowercase". IMHO it would be desirable that the prefix
> itself could be specified in a field.

Well the main problem is that authors are name *lists*, and that
there can be more then one name list in an entry. 

But biblatex is extensible. You can, if you want, define a new field
say "authorprefixes={de,von,none,Bbla}" and then write suitable
macros that uses this prefixes instead of the one parsed from the
name. But I doubt that it is really needed. One shouldn't
overcomplicate a system only to catch every special case. 

Ulrike Fischer

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