If you run it in the debugger - it will show you a TON of $hit - way
more than you'd care for.  Did you follow the steps in the FAQ for this?
Search the faq for this: GDB ultraMini-tutorial - Running ntop under gdb
or, 'capturing the failure point'   It's almost at the bottom.

If you're not a developer (which I'm not either) most of it won't mean
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to you. But follow the directions and post the results and
hopefully someone will help out.

You can also try running it as root and with the -t 6 or -t 7 args, but
the debugger is the sure fire way to capture the failure and see what's


-----Original Message-----
John A. Kilpatrick
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 3:59 PM
To: ntop@unipi.it
Subject: Re: [Ntop] netflow configuration questions

On Fri, 24 Oct 2008, Gary Gatten wrote:

> Sounds like you have numerous issues.  What version of nTop and where
> did you get it from?

Whatever the current gentoo ebuild is.  So it was compiled from source.
I ran in debugging mode and such but didn't get anything in the logs

Oct 24 01:31:52 ntop ntop[15200]: segfault at 0000000044008000 rip 
00002b124f1530cf rsp 0000000044005350 error 4

which I'm afraid doesn't tell me all that much.

                                John A. Kilpatrick
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                Email|     http://www.hypergeek.net/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Text pages|          ICQ: 19147504
                  remember:  no obstacles/only challenges

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