I'm fixing another bug and then analyze the ASA problem.


On Jun 29, 2009, at 6:00 AM, Ryan Sumner wrote:

I'm new to the list, but am replying to this posting that I found in
some archives on the Net.

I've also got a few ASA5505's with the latest and greatest version of
OS (8.2), which supports NetFlow v9.  I just installed the latest and
greatest version of ntop from SVN in hopes of there being a little
progress on it from a few weeks ago, but I'm still seeing all of my
NetFlow packets being discarded due to unknown Templates.

I can assist with some testing if needed.


I'll open a Change Control for my production ASA (the only one I have)
and see what I find. Might be a couple days though! In the mean time
I'll study more on the v9 templates and stuff - I'm not really up to
speed on the various options there.
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