Using their DNS helps mitigating a host contacting a C&C

Ransomware - Fortinet<>
Fortinet prevents ransomware with comprehensive, end-to-end security.

Jean-Paul Natola

From: <> on behalf 
of James Rankin <>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: [NTSysADM] Ransonware protection

Ivanti Application Manager
Bromium vSentry

Sent from my slightly schizophrenic, but rather cool, BlackBerry Android
Sent: 12 June 2017 1:42 p.m.
Reply to:
Subject: [NTSysADM] Ransonware protection

Hi All,

What would you recommend as specific software solutions to protect against 
Ransomware?  In my company we use:

-  Sonicwall firewalls, and the gateway security component is enabled and is 
supposed to help block/prevent.
- Symantec AV.  Not specific to ransom-ware but appears to be reactive.

I'm looking at additional layers of security, such as the Barracuda e-mail 
filter.  I used that at past jobs and that reduced the "infected" e-mails 

I also have used Malwarebytes enterprise.  That has an anti-ransomeware 
component.  I used that in a past job and was not impressed.  Malwarebytes sold 
is an an "enterprise" solution, but it was a stand alone product, had not 
integration with the management console, no configuration and no notifications. 
 It appeared to be a rush to market.

Sophos supposedly has a similar solution specific to Malwarebytes but I have 
not looked at it yet.

Internally, we also have targeted employee training and use a service to send 
"fake" messages from Amazon/UPS, etc to let them know that they need to be 
vigilant when reviewing messages from outside the company.

Thoughts appreciated.

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