05.02.2016, 19:55, Nathaniel Smith kirjoitti:
> On Feb 5, 2016 8:28 AM, "Chris Barker - NOAA Federal" <chris.bar...@noaa.gov>
> wrote:
>>> An extra ~2 hours of tests / 6-way parallelism is not that big a deal
>>> in the grand scheme of things (and I guess it's probably less than
>>> that if we can take advantage of existing binary builds)
>> If we set up a numpy-testing conda channel, it could be used to cache
>> binary builds for all he versions of everything we want to test
>> against.
>> Conda-build-all could make it manageable to maintain that channel.
> What would be the advantage of maintaining that channel ourselves instead
> of using someone else's binary builds that already exist (e.g. Anaconda's,
> or official project wheels)?

ABI compatibility. However, as I understand it, not many backward ABI
incompatible changes in Numpy are not expected in future.

If they were, I note that if you work in the same environment, you can
push repeated compilation times to zero compared to the time it takes to
run tests in a way that requires less configuration, by enabling

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