On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:

> > If we set up a numpy-testing conda channel, it could be used to cache
> > binary builds for all he versions of everything we want to test
> > against.
> >
> > Conda-build-all could make it manageable to maintain that channel.
> What would be the advantage of maintaining that channel ourselves instead
> of using someone else's binary builds that already exist (e.g. Anaconda's,
> or official project wheels)?
other's binary wheels are only available for the versions that are
supported. Usually the latest releases, but Anaconda doesn't always have
the latest builds of everything.

Maybe we want to test against matplotlib master (or a release candidate,
or??), for instance.

And when we are testing a numpy-abi-breaking release, we'll need to have
everything tested against that release.

Usually, when you set up a conda environment, it preferentially pulls from
the default channel anyway (or any other channel you set up) , so we'd only
maintain stuff that wasn't readily available elsewhere.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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