This is one of the reasons why we simplified signatures in WRAP. Yahoo and
other Service Providers have architectures where incoming requests are
proxied and forwarded ­ the public facing hostname and even the path that¹s
exposed to the consumer can be very different than the origin server ends up
servicing the request.

In WRAP, the client just passes the Access Token in the request ­ this is
exactly the same model as ³Cookie Auth² for web browsers.


On 2/13/10 9:51 AM, "Vinod facebook" <> wrote:
>  I implemented oauth in Java and I faced the same signature invalid issue. I
> broke my head for about 2 weeks before I found a solution. Anyways this was
> the problem. I was running my app on a box which was sitting behind an apache
> webserver machine. So when I send out requests for any end point, the
> opensocial container used to sign the requests with my public IP address and
> while verifying the response from my end, the IP with which I would be signing
> was my local server's which was sitting behind my apache. Hence there was a
> mismatch and it used to fire the signature invalid exception everytime. After
> finding this out, I fixed the issue by replacing the IP in my oauth message
> with that of my public IP before I do a validation. Now it works like a charm.
> Hope this 

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