Andrew Deason <> writes:

> If you're asking "will we continue to develop RPM packaging for RHEL7+
> in the OpenAFS git tree?" then the answer (so far) is "no". The idea is
> that the development and coordination of the red hat RPM packaging is
> done entirely by "rpmfusion" or some other place, and is not
> officially involved with it. While maybe a copy of the packaging could
> exist in the openafs git tree in some fashion, it would not be the
> canonical source of the packaging files, and not the place where
> packagers collaborate with each other on it. The Debian packaging is
> like this, and I don't think there's been any harm in it existing like
> that, but I'm also not really sure if it's been helpful.

> Also, I want to note that while in my mind "" is not involved
> in the packaging in this approach... I mean, at least some of the same
> people are still going to be involved in one way or another. It just
> means that the packaging "lives" somewhere else, and the packaging is
> not tied to openafs release cycles. So, changing the packaging or adding
> an RHEL-specific patch or something doesn't involve a new version of
> "openafs".

I've always preferred to maintain the Debian packages this way, so I think
this is a good decision and will make things somewhat easier for the
people doing the packaging.

Russ Allbery (              <>
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