As the subject says, you're barking up the wrong tree. What you seem to
want is complete web-browser integration. And you want to do it by
making the web browser talk to FreeCard -- something it was never
designed to do. Exporting to *HTML, *XML. Plugins. JavaScript. Kludges,
at best.

Do it the right way -- write the web browser in FreeScript. Then you
have 100% total integration, and done right, too. And the web browser
would be 100% cross-platform -- the first of its kind. And it'd be
_great_ for showing the world what FreeCard can do.

And, I think the execution speed of Interpreter will allow it to be
pulled off well. I haven't tested Uli's interpreter, so I can't say
about his. However, I'm sure they will both be fairly fast once we
start competing (which will be sometime soon -- once I finish up a
_ton_ of school work).

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