At 10:09 PM +0100 on 1/29/00, M. Uli Kusterer wrote:
>I think a
>web-page-designer stack that uses the basic structure of a stack to
>contain a web page would be much better suited for this task. It's
>something the UFP could already attempt on their own using HyperCard
>and XCMDs.

I have such a thing, or actually a couple of home-page making tools.
I'll upload them and post here.

>We could even hack in an
>HTML-viewer if needed

We could write our own browser in FreeScript. Ship it with FreeCard.
Let the world see what FreeCard can do.

>>Uli: ... as I'm not sure we can say "download byte 1
>>to 7 of file x" over the web.
>>Alain: Following up on my Remote-Procedure-Call idea,
>>the HTTP protocol does support this. They call these
>>"stay-alive connections".

You can stream things over the web like this, using the Range header.
But not all servers support this. And it certainly is not the most
effecient thing!

If we're going to want streaming FreeCard stacks, we should also just
create a FreeCard Streaming Server.

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