>Tom: I know a totally blind man who surfs the net with software that reads
>aloud any text it can find on a web page. I assume he is accustomed to the
>speech synthesizer and understands it better than we do.


  understanding speech synthesis is  ot much of a problem. You can try 
it (shameless plug): Install my Talking Moose and after a week or so 
you'll get used to the quirks of your particular MacinTalk voice.

>We could easily do much better. Some rather simple code could allow reading
> >from each field in turn: "field 7 of 9; 'blah blah blah...'"; "Button 2 of
>three; 'press to continue'". Pictures, however, might require a thousand
>words to describe- still, the voice simulator could announce the title of
>any pictures it finds: "picture 1 of 1; 'seashore at sunset'"...

  This is something that could be easily achieved in FreeScript. It 
can even be done in HyperTalk. Something like:

on mouseEnter
   speak the short name of the target
   if the target contains "field" then
     speak target -- speaks contents
   end if
end mouseEnter

  You could certainly refine this. Might be a nice UFP project.

-- M. Uli Kusterer

        'The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...'

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