Glyph module supports a "text" glyph which displays the value of the data at its spatial location. Use carefully: a huge data set will generate a heck of a lot of text, which will then be unreadable unless you zoom way in. Think about ways to sample (like Sample) or otherwise constrain the area of interest (like Pick to select a cube, line, or position).

Now, if you simply Mark("positions") and Glyph("text"), you'd see the position vectors. If you don't already have a data component representing the position index, I'd probably use Inquire("items") (or other inquiries: see manual) to get the position count, then use that to drive Enumerate to make a list of 0..n-1, then Replace that into the field as "position index", then Mark("position index") and Glyph. You probably have to add Options("dep", "positions") to the output of Enumerate (prior to Replace) to make it behave like a proper data component.

On Aug 26, 2005, at 10:34 AM, Jon Pitt wrote:


I'm trying to visualize a grid generated by an FEA package.  I can get the connections drawn and change their color, but I would like to number the positions.  Does anyone know how to do this?  I would also like to further extend this to the faces and cells themselves, but starting with the positions would be great!  Thank you,

<x-tad-smaller>Jon Pitt</x-tad-smaller>
<x-tad-smaller>University Park, PA 16802</x-tad-smaller>
<x-tad-smaller>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</x-tad-smaller>

Chris Pelkie
Scientific Visualization Producer
622 Rhodes Hall, Cornell Theory Center
Ithaca, NY 14853 (607) 254-8794</x-tad-bigger>

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