Ok did not know that so then yes following the CSS-Spec naming make sense.


Am 28.04.21 um 17:24 schrieb Michael Strauß:
It's certainly true that all JavaFX themes show a focus indicator for
all controls, but that's not universally so. For example, Microsoft's
Fluent theme doesn't show any focus indicators on mouse-based
interaction except for text controls.

In the end, the official CSS spec has named this pseudoclass
:focus-visible, and I think JavaFX should almost always try to follow
the CSS spec in this regard.

Am Mi., 28. Apr. 2021 um 16:52 Uhr schrieb Tom Schindl


As someone who had to implement this manually in our current project I
would welcome if it would have been possible to use a pseudo-state to
get a CSS only solution.

What I don't know if the name of the pseudo-State is correct
:focus-visible does not sound right to me because controls still show
that they are focused but less obvious.

In the end in our application we turned it around and called the
pseudo-state ":mouse-focused" in contrast do (keyboard-focused,
programmatically focused, accessibility focused).


Am 28.04.21 um 16:39 schrieb Michael Strauß:
Circling back to this proposal: does anyone want to comment on it?

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