> The only significant "anti-" sentiment I have is that the Trac git plug-in
> hasn't had an update since 28th of August of 2009.  I'm going to play with
> this a little bit with my sourceforge project that's hooked up to git and
> I'll get back to you.

Alright, it's impossible to do it, for now.  The Sourceforge people haven't
setup the ability to have Trac connect to a git repository.  If we want to
do only development tracking in the wiki and manage bugs and features in
Trac, I think it's still a good idea.  They may eventually get the git
connector working, but for now it's a no go.  You can build the plug-in in a
shell on sourceforge, but I have no idea how to make trac aware of the
plugin.  Here's a ticket about it:

Please, do consider using it. Having a viable ticket manager is a great

// Dean Glazeski
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