Openpkg People (in particular Ralf and Thomas),

Can we get another update on what is happening with Openpkg-4?

We have a deployment of Openpkg-3 systems across various production
systems. With the change in licensing we need to re-evaluate our
options. In particular, is Openpkg going to continue to be a viable
option for us.

You said in your announcement:
  Finally, for static installations, a shareware license (VALUE) will be
available for a small fee.

Is there any indication of what this is likely to be?

As there are no longer going to be updates for Openpkg-3 we either need
to self-maintain or seek alternatives until this can be determined.

Jason Wilson

Jason Wilson
Security Consultant, Information and Technology Management
Telephone +61 7 389 63129 Facsimile +61 7 389 63740

Department of Environment and Resource Management
Corner Main and Vulture Streets, Woolloongabba QLD 4102
Locked Bag 40, Coorparoo Delivery Centre QLD 4151

As of 26 March 2009 the Department of Natural Resources and Water/Environmental 
Protection Agency integrated to form the Department of Environment and Resource 

Think B4U Print
1 ream of paper = 6% of a tree and 5.4kg CO2 in the atmosphere
3 sheets of A4 paper = 1 litre of water

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