> From: Peter Tribble [mailto:peter.trib...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 8:38 AM
> > I installed s11e to a partition of a 2T drive.  Now I want to mirror it,
> > I want to replicate the fdisk partitions & partition slices onto the 2nd
> > disk... Nothing I do inside of "format" seems to make them identical,
> format, or fdisk? You need to get the fdisk identical first. And if
> different drives, then good luck...

I go into format, select the first disk (0) and go into fdisk.  Initially
there was only one solaris2 partition occupying 5% of the drive.  So I
created another one.

Then I switch to disk 1, and try to replicate the fdisk partitions from the
first disk, and nothing I do seems to make it quite the same...

> The device names should match up the world wide number on the
> drive. Or serial. Whatever, everything $foo refers to one drive,
> $bar to the other one.

Nope, perhaps I wasn't perfectly clear.  Let's try this:

Currently there are 2 disks attached.
I run "format" and I see:
        That's what I'm calling $foo
ls /dev/rdsk/*d0
        That's what I'm calling $bar
Notice it doesn't match.

I figure I can yank out the 2nd disk... And see which one disappears.  Then
reattach it, and I can use dd to copy 1Mb from the first to the second disk.
That should take care of fdisk partitions (and maybe partition slices too,
I'm not sure.)

Side note:
You know why this is so dang confusing?  Because fdisk partitions contain
partition slices, and there's no natural way to reference all those things
individually...  Nevermind the ambiguous use of the term "partition" in both
cases.  I think a more sane model would be something like this...
End side note.   ;-)

> As I said, if this is an rpool then don't use d0 anyway. Which may well be
> why d0 doesn't exist. If it's not, then give zfs the d0 name and it should
> create it.

I have no intent to use d0 as an argument to zpool in this case... But I
don't know any way to replicate the fdisk partitions without using d0.

Thanks for your feedback...

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