As has been seen in my last few commits, I got a bit obsessed with
compression.  The way it works now, at least in 0.9.8-dev, is
compliant with draft-ietf-tls-compression-05.txt, as far as I can

The only thing that remains is something that itches me quite a bit.
As soon as SSLv23 is used, we can kiss compression goodbye, even if
SSLv2 has been disabled.

Since I haven't gone too much into the ssl/ part of OpenSSL, I have a
hard time figuring out what's appropriate to do here.  What I would
*like* to do is have the SSLv23 connect make a SSLv3-compatible
connect when SSLv2 has been disabled, instead of the current behavior
(always a V2ClientHello, no matter what).  Is that a feasible thing to
do?  What traps could I fall in to?  What quirks should I watch out
for?  Will that work with the servers out there (provided they aren't
SSLv2-only)?  Other thoughts?

Richard Levitte   \ Tunnlandsvägen 3  \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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