In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 8 Oct 2003 00:30:34 -0400, Geoff Thorpe <[EMAIL 

geoff> Which reminds me, I'm not sure yet about my last post's
geoff> comments on this "sslv3/tlsv1 methods can't internegotiate"
geoff> stuff - I'm less sure now of what I was seeing than I was when
geoff> I was seeing it.

In the OpenSSL implementation, that does seem to be true.

geoff> However I still leave my other comments from that post up as
geoff> open questions; in particular, I'm still wondering how an
geoff> attacker could be prevented from rewriting SSLv2-compatible
geoff> ClientHellos as v2-only and getting away with it.

I doubt an attacker can be prevented from doing that.  After all, the
returned ServerHello will (or will not) confirm that v2 is the
protocol they will run.  I personally believe that accepting SSLv2 is
a mistake.  Do you mean that we should remove SSLv2 support from
OpenSSL?  I would welcome that, but considering there are still
SSLv2-only servers out there (!!!), I'm not sure what the impact would
be for us, support-wise.

However, my topic here isn't about SSLv2.  My focus is much more on
SSLv3 and TLSv1 interoperability (and whenever that comes out, TLSv1.1
should be included in that group as well).

geoff> I need to look closer at this too but I have a suspicion that
geoff> the vtable-gymnastics in the v23 wrapper might need to be
geoff> replicated for v31.  Ie. perhaps we'll need a new
geoff> negotiator-method just for versions with major number 0x03?
geoff> Then again, perhaps this is already "there" but I just don't
geoff> see it yet ... :-)

It looked like something of that sort is there already, but I'm still
pretty new at reading the ssl/ code...

I'd like there to be a much more general wrapper.  It looks like the
current one is mostly built to allow the SSLv2-compatibility mode and
not much more (hence the name SSLv23).  A more general wrapper would
be able to have any suitable version of SSL/TLS interoperate,
including future versions of TLS.  Maybe there are already things in
place to do that, but I sure haven't been able to make them talk with
each other, yet.

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