In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 8 Oct 2003 13:25:52 +0200, "Dr. Stephen Henson" 

steve> I was thinking that there should be a way to represent
steve> supported compression methods in the v2 client hello. For
steve> example RFC2246 appendix E again has a general way of
steve> representing a V3 ciphersuite as a V2 one:
steve> V2CipherSpec (see TLS name) = { 0x00, CipherSuite };
steve> something like:
steve> V2CipherSpec (see TLS name) = { 0xXX, 0xXX, CompressionMethod };
steve> I suspect the reason this hasn't been done is that hardly
steve> anyone has implemented compression so far.

Uhmm, compression is represented separately in a V3 client hello.
It's never, as far as I know, been represented as a cipher spec, and
I'd be surprised if anyone (but us) would support that kind of
construction.  Quite a hack, though :-).

Richard Levitte   \ Tunnlandsvägen 3  \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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