If you pass false as the last argument to createActionProxy, it won't call the Result so you can save yourself to MockResult :)


Ara Abrahamian wrote:
public void testSuccessfulLogin() throws Exception {
  parameters.put("username", new String[]{"savaki"});
  parameters.put("password", new String[]{"password"});
  ActionProxy proxy = ActionProxyFactory.getFactory().
    createActionProxy("/member", "login", extraContext, false);
  String result = proxy.execute();
  assertEquals(Action.SUCCESS, result);

  LoginAction action = (LoginAction)proxy.geAction();
  // do more assertions here

Programmable ActionProxy is really awesome! Combined with a custom
ConfigurationProvider object you can test the action very easily, you
can just enable the ValidationInterceptor for example and easily unit
test all your externalized validation.xml settings too!

We created an abstract base class for all xwork tests. It configures an
ActionProxy object. ValidationInterceptor is added to the list of
interceptors and a MockResult is installed as the only result type.

public abstract class AbstractXWorkTest extends TestCase
    private ActionProxy proxy;
    private Class actionClass;

    public AbstractXWorkTest( Class actionClass )
        this.actionClass = actionClass;

    protected void setUp() throws Exception
        setUp(actionClass, actionClass.getName(), null);

     * Use this method if you want to setup this test with a specific
action class and method.
     * This will throw out all previous configuration done by the normal
setUp() method.
    protected void setUp(Class clazz, String alias, String method)
throws Exception
createConfigurationProvider( method, alias ) );
        proxy = ActionProxy.createActionProxy( "", alias, new HashMap()

    protected TestConfigurationProvider createConfigurationProvider(
String method, String alias )
        return new TestConfigurationProvider(method, alias);

    protected void tearDown() throws Exception

    protected Action getAction()
        return proxy.getAction();

    protected ActionProxy getActionProxy()
        return proxy;

    protected class TestConfigurationProvider implements
        private String methodName;
        private String alias;

        public TestConfigurationProvider(String methodName, String
            this.methodName = methodName;
            this.alias = alias;

        public void init( Configuration config )
            PackageConfig defaultPackageConfig = new PackageConfig();

            HashMap results = createResultTypes();
            List interceptors = createInterceptors();

            ActionConfig fooActionConfig = new ActionConfig( methodName,
actionClass, new HashMap(), results, interceptors );
            defaultPackageConfig.addActionConfig( alias, fooActionConfig

            config.addPackageConfig( "defaultPackage",
defaultPackageConfig );

        protected HashMap createResultTypes()
            HashMap results = new HashMap();
            ResultConfig resultConfig = new ResultConfig(
"def-result-type", MockResult.class, new HashMap() );
            results.put( Action.SUCCESS, resultConfig );
            return results;

        protected List createInterceptors()
            List interceptors = new ArrayList();
            interceptors.add( new ValidationInterceptor() );
            return interceptors;

        public void destroy()

        public boolean needsReload()
            return false;

Just do this to test a TestCreatePageAction derived test case do
something like this:

assertEquals( Action.SUCCESS, getActionProxy().execute() );
assertEquals( 1, getCreatePageAction().getActionErrors().size() );
assertEquals( getCreatePageAction().getText( "space.key.empty" ),
getCreatePageAction().getActionErrors().iterator().next() );
assertEquals( 0, getCreatePageAction().getFieldErrors().size() );

That's it. Hope it was useful for those who were thinking about unit
testing their xwork action classes :-)


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