Even me, Mr. eXtreme XDoclet, has reservations about generating the -validation.xml files if you are serving up your model directly from your actions. Although, since the validation is completely decoupled from the web (and this is no difference in Struts), perhaps it does make sense.

The main issue I heard Jason mention with it was binding the knowledge of action aliases to specific validations. I agree that it doesn't really make sense to have action aliases in domain objects.

XDoclet could do as little or as much of this type of thing that makes sense. At this point I'm still in learning mode and can comment further after building a few pieces by hand.


On Wednesday, July 2, 2003, at 12:43 PM, Ara Abrahamian wrote:

Ah yeah I think the -validation.xml stuff is a good candidate for
auto-geenration. I think xwork.xml is ok without xdoclet, but all those
validation.xml files are just too much too take care of by hand. I'm
ready to help anyone who's interested in implementing an xdoclet module
for it.


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