Hi Jörn...

It worked like a charm.

Thank you very much.

On 5/4/2017 1:45 PM, Jörn Frenzel wrote:
Please update tcos-devices and all other updateable packages too!

Regards, Jörn

Am 04.05.2017 um 17:23 schrieb Milton Regalado:

I can't find the 64Bit option, this is all that I have:

default kernel
non-PAE Kernel for older machines, max. 2GB RAM
Kernel 3.2 for use with VIA-GPU


On 5/4/2017 10:05 AM, Jörn Frenzel wrote:
Hi Milton,

you need to run the newer 64Bit Kernel. This one is included since base 2.1-22. 
Please go to the clients hardwaretype and set the kernel to 64 bit.

Background: The 64Bit kernel was taken from jessie and is the more recent one. 
Newer kernel, newer modules - better support of new hardware.

Good luck!


Am 03.05.2017 um 01:39 schrieb Milton Regalado:

I got some new Intel NUC to use them within our Pales OTC, but I'm having 
problems with the display outputs, one HDMI and one VGA.

When I execute the command XRANDR, either having the NUC connected through any 
of the ports, HDMI or VGA, I'm getting the following output:

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default

Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1920 x 1200, maximum 1920 x 1200

default connected primary 1920x1200+0+0 0mm x 0mm

1920x1080 0.0

1600x1200 0.0

1280x1024 0.0

800x600   0.0

640x480   0.0

1920x1200 0.0*

It can't recognize the HDMI nor the VGA port, and consequently, I can't attach 
any Display Device through the OTC manager to these Thin Clients.

Have you had a similar case before?

It looks like the OS can't find the right display driver for the Intel HD 

How I can fix this problem?

Thanks & Best Regards.


Milton Regalado.

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Milton Regalado.

Milton Regalado.
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