Take a break, forget python, ruby and php :


Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
maybe this thread should really be python vs perl vs java ?

but php is still the top language for web cms :

open source cms awards :

   1. 2009
         1. wordpress - php
         2. modx - php
         3. silverstripe - php
   2. 2008
         1. drupal - php
         2. joomla - php
         3. dotnetnuke - vb.net <http://vb.net>
   3. 2007
         1. drupal - php
         2. joomla - php
         3. cms made simple - php
   4. 2006
         1. drupal - php
         2. joomla - php
         3. plone - python

looking at the new cms modx and silverstripe (from nz - the land of sheep) shows that php is alive and kicking

i guess the python community still has some way to go to understand what people really want

hehehehe .....

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 2:39 PM, sweemeng ng <swees...@gmail.com <mailto:swees...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    becareful with that, PHP is still huge in web based development.
    facebook still using php for example. it just gone mainstream,
    therefore lack the buzz, imho

    On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Marcus Low <mar...@python.my> wrote:

        Python vs PHP?
        U must be kidding me. In Windows terminology that is like :
        current C# vs early 2000 ASP scripts.
        One is flexible and general and growing exponentially, the
        other is niche and barely going anywhere except whats its
        started for.


        Boh Yap wrote:


            PHP... I don't use it, so can't say..


            runs on more platforms than Java!
             (Symbian/mobiles all the way to Cray supercomputers)

            Wide application range, not just web-programming, can do
            programming, network programming, write server apps,
            entreprise apps,
            even low level hacking

            Is readable, I don't look at my code later and say "..what
            the h...
            was I trying to do here?". Also means you need less docs.

            Multi paradigm, I don't have to do OOP if I don't want to.
            Can code it in procedural style (C...), functional, etc...

            Excellent tools for working with a wide range of
            databases, and very
            transparent to switch.

            Wide range of libraries and frameworks, e.g. Python has
            >30 web frameworks!?

            Easy to learn, relatively experianced programmers can be
            writing real
            production code in 2-3 weeks. (Eric Raymond learnt it in a
            few hrs.


            Read this artcl, probably one of the best I've come across
            in support
            of Python form a real hacker!

            Python fits your brain! Its relatively compact, I can
            write Python
            code w/o having to refer to a manual all the time.
            Translating from
            concepts/ideas to algorithms to code is frictionless, the
            doesn't get in the way...

            All that leads to programmer productivity, I do more with
            Python, with
            less time, and often far less code.

            Its a modern language, supporting all whizbang features
            you may
            (never) need. Its got closures, continuations,
            generators.... and its
            got very good introspection. There's even a version
            (Stackless Python)
            that will allow for high-concurrency.

            Even w/o the above, Python scales well... Zope, the grand
            -daddy of
            Python frameworks is entreprise class and has many such
            apps. So are
            many of the frameworks, Django was initially developed for
            a large
            online newspaper..
            Twisted a framework that is event-based rather than
            thread-based, can
            also handle heavy loads.

            Its lightweight, I can run multiple Python servers on a
            low end
            machine, it doesn't chew up a lot of resources.

            Scaling: Stackless Python allows 1,000's of micro-threads
            on a normal
            single CPU, and an efficient message passing mechanism..
            and its being
            used for a successful graphics intensive MPOG,
            multi-player online
            game, supporting 3,000+ simultaneous users.
            (www.eveonline.com <http://www.eveonline.com>)

            ...I better stop here... ;-)

            and lastly, Python programmers are always happy.... (see
            attached image)

            On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 5:06 PM, CL Chow
            <klrkdek...@gmail.com <mailto:klrkdek...@gmail.com>> wrote:
                Directly to php no, but i did contribute in some
                framework development ;)

                CL Chow
                "Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork
                documents. Send
                OpenDocument instead!

                On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 5:01 PM, nuhaa
                <cawan.nu...@gmail.com <mailto:cawan.nu...@gmail.com>>
                    thanks alot for feedback - keep it coming please
                    forgot to note previously - contributions will be
                    properly credited in the
                    report :)
                    i myself have always been a php developer - i;ve
                    seen python here and
                    there and yea i like that it's readable and can do
                    more than just web app
                    has anyone contributed back to php / python here?


                    Nuhaa All Bakry / cawanpink

                    On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Hasan Abu Bakar
                    <ha...@kelate.com.my <mailto:ha...@kelate.com.my>>
                        I believe you are not looking for general
                        benchmark? Aren't you?
                        because there are tonnes of benchmark or
                        research already done by

                        btw, as my personal preference and research

                        - speed
                        python saves a lot time to write codes than
                        php, less bloated classes,
                        in term of my "speed".

                        - scalability
                        for web frameworks, Django+nginx+uwsgi+SQLite
                        only consumes about 5MB
                        RAM but symfony+nginx+fcgi+SQLite eats up to
                        50MB! and I did do a test
                        on a machine with 32MB RAM and 266Mhz cpu,
                        Django works just well.

                        - syntax
                        for sure python is cleaner and easier to
                        understand. Less "syntax
                        error" when you missed a semicolon etc... But
                        it's a pain if you have
                        bad indentation habit.

                        - choice of language
                        you do know when you should use php or python
                        for your projects. I am
                        always use php for a simple web development
                        and python for a simple
                        console or daemon application.

                        - programmer
                                It seems that it is harder to find a
                                Python programmer then a PHP
                                programmer in Msia.
                        It's true and it's sometimes not a big
                        problem. Just like a people who
                        can speak several languages or cannot.
                        Sometimes it's necessary to
                        know several languages when you meet people
                        who can't speak you
                        language. So come on, learn your third language!
                        But the problem is the eager to learn new
                        languages. Just like a
                        people who learned VB 15 years ago, still
                        using VB because he believes
                        VB can do _anything_ and he don't want to
                        waste his time by learning
                        new languages, therefore he can spend more
                        time with family and
                        friends. But I believe writing an application
                        in Python or PHP
                        sometimes take _much_ less time than VB and
                        you can get more family
                        and friends. Your call.

                        The most debating topic is python vs ruby btw.
                        Python FTW!

                        Hasanuddin Abu Bakar
                        Ubuntu embedded developer/tester

                        Get FireGPG for your Firefox!

                        PGP Public Key

                        On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Raja Iskandar
                        <mailto:rajaiskand...@gmail.com>> wrote:
                            my team does php. because that's what the
                            majority of our target market
                            and wants.

                            second to that and rising fast is javascript.

                            but as sweemeng points out, python is an
                            attractive language and
                            perhaps an
                            easier option compared to java for us to
                            go into web, desktop and

                            On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 2:03 PM, Adzmely
                            Mansor <adzm...@gmail.com
                                update version of my previous link:

                                On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 1:16 PM,
                                Adzmely Mansor <adzm...@gmail.com

                                    On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:23 AM,
                                    nuhaa <cawan.nu...@gmail.com
                                        hola guys,
                                        php vs python? yeapp this
                                        going to be interesting
                                        php and python hardcores pls
                                        put in ur input - we're
                                        interested to
                                        how the battle goes muahahahahaha
                                        OSCC is doing a benchmark on
                                        those 2 .. things we're
                                        looking at:
                                        - scalability
                                        - namespace
                                        - speed
                                        - syntax
                                        - .. put ur input here ..
                                        of course we're not looking
                                        for winner here, only to weigh
                                        the pros
                                        cons for both languages
                                        if you have references, please
                                        kindly provide ;)

                                        Nuhaa All Bakry / cawanpink

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